Our Approach
Our approach is unique in that it creates an individualized treatment plan for each client by identifying his or her unique patterns of addictive behaviors, including relapses, and most importantly the underlying issues that drive them. Trying to change the destructive coping behavior without changing the underlying issues that drive them means they will they will have just to find a new way to cope, thus trading one addiction for another. Our process and program is primarily focused on a model of recovery which emphasizes first changing the heart and then the behavior.
Basic Element of Our Recovery Program
1. Individual Counseling for Relapse Prevention
2. Treatment process partner
3. Community-based accountability and support
4. Change support group sessions
Individual Counseling for Relapse Prevention
One-on-one counseling sessions with a trained counselor provide in-depth understanding and healing for the client to make successful personal changes. Personal counseling helps clients reestablish trust and deal with the underlying issues that have been driving their self-destructive behaviors. Counselors help the client have a new understanding of their unconscious relapse patterns. The counselor assesses the client’s level of stability and helps them to establish a support system. A trained counselor also has the tools to help heal the issues that have driven the client’s addictive behavior.
Treatment process partner
Having the client meet with a “Treatment Buddy” who is further on in the Treatment Process, preferably within 24 hours of his or her individual session is optimal. This helps the client process the new information, reinforces what happened in their session and provides help with doing the next assignment, which optimizes their time with their counselor. The process person (buddy) also benefits by having to teach the treatment process principles, reinforcing their own understanding.
Community-based accountability and support
Isolation is essential for relapse. Re-socialization is the most important and the most difficult part of the recovery process. Having the client establish healthy relationships while they are still in a supportive environment is essential for long-term success. This outside support system is a mandatory part of their program.
Change Support Group
The purpose of the different groups is to help the client identify areas they are struggling with and to provide support and accountability towards both recovery and personal growth. Having a communication system such as case management between the client’s personal counselor and the group counselor provides the maximum benefits of both. Individual counseling can help make the client willing to change, but it is the group that makes them able to change. Clients that to continue meeting together themselves using the Change Support Group tools after their individual counseling or program has proven to dramatically increase success rates.